Election Coverage

KBOO is open to the public! To visit the station, contact your staff person or call 503-231-8032.

Vote like you democracy depends on it



Here are some helpful Oregon election resources.

Some highlights of KBOO's 2020 Election Coverage:

Stephen Zunes: How to Stop an Autocrat

Yes on Measure 110 campaign says decriminalization is a critical step in addressing addiction crisis in Oregon

Measure 26-217: Real Police Accountability

Debate: Portland City Council Seat #4 - Chloe Eudaly and Mingus Mapps

The results are in from

KBOO's Citizen's Agenda Survey!

Look and see what our respondents prioritized, and what we are focusing on in our election coverage!

Look here for KBOO's latest audio reports on the 2020 election.

Oregon Primary Election Coverage - May 2020 (includes debates, interviews and candidate statements)



KBOO encourages all our listeners, whatever your political affiliation, to register to vote and remember to get your ballot in by November 3rd.

More local resources can be found here.


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