"Katrina, Two Years Later”



Tune in Wednesday, August 29th from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., as KBOO dedicates a full day of special programming to coincide with the anniversary of the Hurricane Katrina disaster of 2005.

We will feature a diverse array of public affairs and music programs that focus on New Orleans, the history and aftermath of Katrina, as well as current events and other relevant issues.

  Topics to be covered include:

  • Pre-Katrina - history, previous levee breaks, wetland destruction
  • First-hand accounts of the storm
  • Causeway prison camp – interview with Leah Hodges
  • Community responses to Katrina - interview with Malik Rahim of Common Ground, forum with religious and activist communities.
  • Police and prison
  • Government response to disaster on a broader level, including Katrina, 9/11, Kansas tornadoes
  • Interviews with New Orleans musicians displaced to Portland
  • Impact of Katrina on housing/public housing – interview with Pangaea Project (Portland youth trip to New Orleans), excerpts from the Yes Men actions
  • Impact of Katrina on healthcare
  • Current events

New Orleans residents waiting for buses

As an alternative source of news, public affairs and music programs, KBOO recognized the need for dedicating air-time to these important issues not covered in mainstream media.  KBOO’s Program Director Chris Merrick notes, Both the human cost of the Katrina disaster and the indifference shown by our federal government are unfathomable.  KBOO hopes to keep hope alive for the victims and hold those in charge responsible.