December 27 Old Mole Variety Hour



Produced by: 
Air date: 
Mon, 12/27/2010 - 12:00am
Climate and profits, happiness and revolution, music and labor

 Laurie Mercier hosts this show featuring live music from Wobble Wobble, singers of labor songs.  Also on the program,  Bill Resnick talks with climate expert Daphne Wysham about responses to climate change that enrich the poluters and Frann Michel explores the ups and downs of academic studies of happiness.  

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To hear the whole show, use the play button below. To hear individual pieces and find more information, follow these links:

  1. Responding to climate change with schemes to enrich corporations or with public investment in ways to save energy?  Daphne Wysham from the Institute for Policy Studies talks with Bill Renick.  
  2. How can happiness be measured?  What makes people happy?  Frann Michel looks critically at some ways of answering these questions.  
  3. Labor songs and reviving the labor movement: music and an invitation to Labor Folk Night at the Red and Black Cafe.  Laurie Mercier talks with IWW folks Noah, Daisy, and Adam.

Audio by Topic: