Cynthia Grant Tucker author of "No Silent Witness"



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Air date: 
Thu, 03/10/2011 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Women who influenced the liberal culture of America, particularly in Portland, OR

Guest Cynthia Grant Tucker, author of No Silent Witness: the Eliot Parsonage Women and their Unitarian World,  discusses the stories of the women who influenced the liberal culture of America, particularly here in Portland.

"No Silent Witness" is a group biography which follows three generations of ministers' daughters and wives in a famed American Unitarian family. Spanning 150 years from the early 19th century forward, the narrative divides into six chapters. Each chapter takes up a different woman's defining experience, from the deaths of numerous children and the anguish of infertility to the suffocation of small parish life with its chronic loneliness, doubt, and resentment. All of the stories are linked by the women's continuing battles to make themselves heard over clerical wisdom that contradicts their reality.

Cynthia Grant Tucker also spoke in Portland on "The Remarkable Eliot Women" on Friday, March 11th from 7-8:30PM at the First Unitarian Church at 1101 SW 12th Avenue in Portland. 



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