Oh Gee Pee Oh Gee for September 15th 2024


Hosted by: 
Produced by: 
Air date: 
Sun, 09/15/2024 - 8:00pm to 10:00pm


Considering the concept of Consent, celebrating birthdays, and playing a lot of good music.





Broadcasting with gratitude, sorrow, and love from the rightful lands of Cowlitz, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tumwater, Tualatin Kalapuya, Wasco, Molalla, Ita'xluit, Watlala, and other original peoples of the big river


This is Kay Bee Oh Oh 90.7FM Portland's community radio


My name's Jeremy and this show’s called Oh Gee Pee Oh Gee


Where we're in the midst of our fall membership drive, the theme of which is Wake Up The Neighborhood and our goal is to raise thirty thousand dollars before September 21st


So If you're ready to invest in a material way 

to the community in which you live as.well.as play

it need not be much or even ongoing,

whatever you feel is fair

just visit kboo dot ef em forward slash give.

or text the word kboo to 4-4-3-2-1

and technology

will guide you from there.


I'm grateful to all who do and grateful too 

tuh just be here with you


Speaking of neighbors we just heard a beautiful track called Late Bloomer 

from your neighbor and mine, Haley Johnsen off her new EP which is also called Late Bloomer


Haley is a prime example of the immense talent and dedicated artistry that has for so long characterized the Portland mystique. 


There's no denying that our wonderful city of roses has a culture quite unique. 


In a country where the consolidated corporate media has for generations now programmed Americans to passively consume and proudly conform, here in Portland we defiantly nurture in one another the enduring spirit of participation, experimentation, and collaborative creation


I love that about us

I love that about you


Though the recently arrived 

may loudly decry

graffiti as some sort of urban blight 

We Portlanders know that Pompeians were right

public art is public discourse. 

So we are grafficionados


And the pearl clutchers may shake in their penny-loafers at the prospect 

of thorns upon rose

Trees full of crows 

or young tenants hosting 

free admission house shows 

And poor people daring to even exist 

But Portlanders crowd and dance, 

we don't just sit

we live out loud taking our chance

to lovinginly slam in the pit



Because the spirit of Portland is more resilient than the bottom line and the privilege of wealth is no match for authenticity


Even as hedgefund managers buy up the punk houses to turn them all into AirBnB’s in an ill-fated attempt to transform America’s last stronghold of free expression into a theme park version of ourselves–safely sterilized and catering to the delicate sensibilities of overseas tourists–we, the evicted artists and emergent antidote 

will still slip past the bars 

to live inside walls and passenger cars, 

guerilla gardening beneath the stars


We may even hit the road and go

Who knows

But if so

We’ll always come home

With more on that here's another neighbor of ours Michael Hurley off his 2009 collaboration with Ida


A track impossibly titled I Stole The Right To Live


Right now on member supported radio

Kay Be Oh Oh


[Play Michael Hurley to Liam Weldon]


Kay bee oh oh Portland


volunteer powered member supported community radio heard locally at 90.7FM and serving unique programming to listeners worldwide at KBOO dot FM


Did you know this station's even older than NPR? It's true.


Even to this day our beloved KBOO

remains a national model for independent community radio and that's thanks in large part to the support of our members. Becoming one is easy just visit kayboo dot eff em forward slash give to join the mission and help us reach our goal.


Thank you for your support!


In that last set we were considering the concept of travel and one ethnic group who are great experts on the subject are the Mincéirs of Ireland, also called Tinkers, Travellers, and sometimes Pavees but never ever gypsies. 


The Mincéirs are a nomadic people whose distinct history goes back to at least the fifth century. For sixteen hundred years they stayed on the move, a free, happy, and unsettled people with their distinctive barrel shaped wagons and well loved horses 


they would move with the seasons from place to place speaking their own secret language called Cant or Gammon and plying ancient trades of tin smithing, wickering, cartwrighting and many other crafts which were unfortunately made redundant during the industrial revolution. 


More unfortunate still is the great shame of the Irish government who upon securing their own independence from England began enacting legislation designed to deny modern Mincéirs their ancestral right to travel. 

Like the settled Cain who planned 

To kill his nomadic brother Abel 

the Irish state 

lives in fear and shows hate 

for a lifestyle it has never tried to understand.  


They have made it illegal now to own a horse unless one also owns a house, and every year the government of Ireland heartlessly steals traveler children from their families forcing them into foster care and state schools under the erroneous claim that homeschooling is ineffective if one's home is on wheels.


Still today's Mincéirs know that time is a river and life is a road crossing itself again and again and these nomads will still be trotting along singing the cant & gammon long after every state has come and gone.


From one such Irish Traveler, Liam Weldon we heard the song Smuggling The Tin ending out that set. 


Prior to Liam Weldon we were with Al Casey on a instrumental track titled Drivin’ off his posthumously released 2007 album Return of the Green Gretsch. 


Now that's the Al Casey who was a member of the Wrecking Crew, but at the top we did also hear the famed Al Casey who often played with Fats Waller. September 17th in just a couple days will mark the memorial of the passing of the Wrecking Crew’s Al Casey, so if you're a fan you might want to be thinking over which track you'll be sharing on that day. 


Before Al Casey we heard Hit The Road And Go by Johnny Cash off his 1977 album The Rambler


Prior to Johnny Cash we heard one of my desert Island songs, Littlest Birds by the Be Good Tanyas


In a 2022 interview with Kate Shepherd on the creative genius podcast 

songwriter, folk music archivist, and fellow Cascadian Samantha Parton divulged that the song came into being one day while she was walking from her home in Vancouver British Columbia to the Greyhound station when she stopped in front of a bush that was chock full of small birds happily chirping away 

she stood there a moment just being when she suddenly heard a voice tell her 

“The Littlest Birds Sing The Prettiest Songs”


As she continued on her walk she turned the words over and over and when she eventually sat down on the bus she pulled out her notebook and on that journey between Vancouver and Eugene verse upon verse upon verse just poured from her mind onto the page.


In 2012 Sam Parton had to take a break from the Be Good Tanyas because she was in a car accident and while still healing from those injuries she was in ANOTHER car accident. Which sounds so tragic until you learn that the accidents prompted doctors to do an MRI and that MRI revealed not only a benign brain tumor but also a life threatening aneurysm. Luckily the subsequent surgery was successful and her life was lengthened.


Has there ever been a time in your own life when a smaller tragedy aided you in avoiding an even worse fate? 


Prior to The Be Good Tanyas we heard Buck Jumping by the somewhat better known Al Casey, the one who did play with Fats Waller. It's this Al Casey’s birthday today

He would be turning one hundred and nine


In this next set we’ll continue our consideration of travelers as well as honoring some of the many many other artists born this day, beginning with an interesting song in the Rapanui language being sung by folklorist and musical prodigy Margot Loyola


Similar to Samantha Partona, Margot Loyola was also a lore keeper and a living archive, she maintained the memory and folklore of many original peoples through her own practice of music making. Margot Loyola was born this day 1918


While she herself was not Polynesian she was a great friend to the people of Rapa Nui who entrusted her with the priceless treasure of their songs and stories. From them through her we will hear a song which tells the story of two siblings who are racing their canoes across the vast Pacific under a wager that the first one to reach Rapa Nui will become its ruler


The traditional song is titled Katere Te Vaka.


In rapanui Vaka means canoe and Tere means to sail. The word Ka is an intensifier so the title literally means Intensely Sailing the Canoes


Which we translate as Racing The Canoes


It's Katere Te Vaka sung by Margot Loyola

Right now on the station that depends on you


Ninety point seven FM

Kay Boo


[PLAY Margot Loyola TO Horatio Parker]

Kay Bee Oh Oh Portland


You're listening to community supported radio. 


Do you ever stop to think about how rare non commercial non corporate radio really is? 

There aren't many community radio stations left in this country but our region is blessed

to have one of the best

and we couldn't keep cranking out unusual jams and all the other distinctive programming you love without you, our members. Your support is key to this community


If you're not already a member but you are a regular listener then I have an invitation for you to self promote. It's as easy as going to kay bee oh oh dot org forward slash give and selecting whatever amount seems appropriate to you. 


Thanks to all who do


In that last set we were honoring some of the many many artists born this day

That last piece was a composition by Horatio Parker, the Chorus from a 1994 recording of his opus Hora Novissima (or-uh no-vee-see-ma) The Last Hour performed there by the Nebraska chamber orchestra and Wesleyan University Choir, John Levick conducted


The Connecticut composer Horatio Parker was born this day 1863


Prior to Horatio we heard a cool literary track from a cool, literary Portlander who also shares this birthday. Dr Sarah Dougher 

a writer, mother, musician, and professor at Portland State University who helped found the rock and roll camp for girls. 


From Sarah we heard Ode 5 off her album Orestes, an interpretation of the Euripedes play. I believe Ode 5 lines up with the Hunt for Helen during the interrogation of the Phrygian slave from Mount Ida


Mount Ida was the place where Paris awarded the apple of discord to the goddess Aphrodite, beginning the Trojan war and It may further interest you to know that Ida is also believed by some scholars to be the Anatolian precursor to the Greek Goddess Demeter, in the form Ida-Mater– Da Mater Demeter 


Mater comes from the proto indo european word m’ter which means mother. So Demeter may be properly understood as Ida-Mater, mother Ida 

The well fed one who sits upon a throne flanked by lions. Ida-Mater. Which forms a neat link between the ancient world and the artistry of modern Portlanders.

Preceding Professor Dougher we heard a track titled Stay Close To Me by Bad Brains, whose bassist Dr Know, birth name Gary Miller first arrived this day 1958

The Dr Know from Bad Brains shouldn't be confused with local column writer Marty Smith who also seems to have modeled his pen name on the same serial killer that Gary Miller did.

Prior to Bad Brains we heard Mercy Mercy Mercy by Cannonball Adderley, also born this day 

And Cannonball followed Major Investment by Sylvia Moy, a major player, songwriter and Motown producer who wrote some of Stevie Wonders biggest hits. If you're looking for a compelling subject for a writing project you could do a lot worse than Sylvia Moy

Major Investment followed a track titled Je te suis from Camélia Jordana an Algerian-French singer born this day 1992

And again we started that set with Margot Loyola performing the traditional Rapa Nui song Katere Te Vaka


We'll continue the birthday celebrations in this next set beginning with a Portlander who was also a founding member of Jefferson Airplane, Signe Toly Anderson was the band’s first lead vocalist before leaving to start a family. We'll hear her brief goodbye and the farewell performance of her signature song Chauffeur Blues delivered live October 15th 1966 at the Fillmore auditorium in San Francisco


happy birthday, Signe Toly Anderson

Right now on Kay be oh oh Portland



This is 90.7FM, KayBoo

And we're in the last week of our fall membership drive. Reminding you that we depend on the support of individual listeners for 80% of our funding


So please visit KBOO dot Eff Emm

or text the word kboo to 4-4-3-2-1 and help us out. Thanks to all who do


In that last set we were continuing to honor some of the many artists born this day 

Like Larry Sparks who we heard retelling the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man


Prior to Larry Sparks we heard Streamlined Cannonball by Roy Acuff, who was also born this day


Preceding Roy Acuff we heard a charming track titled Ei Anna Glede (ay anna glay-duh) by Norwegian singer Anne Karin Kaasa born this day 1966


And before Anne Karin Kaasa we heard another international track titled The Voyage by Crash Test Dummies, whose drummer Mitch Dorge was also born this day


And again we began that set with Chauffer Blues by Jefferson Airplane, whose original lead singer was Signe Anderson, a Portlander similarly born this day


So Happy Birthday Signe Anderson, Mitch Dorge, Anne Karin Kaasa, Roy Acuff, Larry Sparks, Horatio Parker, Dr Sarah Dougher, Gary Miller, Cannonball Adderley, Sylvia Moy, Camélia Jordana, Margot Loyola, Al Casey, and you too

If it is your birthday, I hope it's been a good’n


Well in this next set we'll be considering the incredibly important concept of Consent


When it comes to Consent just remember the acronym FRIES 


The Eff stands for freely given because Consent is impossible in the presence of coercion. Consent must be Freely Given without force or threats. Consent always supercedes democracy. If you're alone with two strangers who both vote to do something you really don't want to do then you are under no obligation to acquiesce to their decision. There is no such thing as majority Rules because Consent is personal, individual and FREELY given


The R stands for Reversible because Consent can be withdrawn at any time. You may have said yes five minutes or even four years ago but the most sacred word in every language is No and this No must always be respected. Consent is always Reversible


The I stands for Informed

Because you cannot give consent before you are born or before you have learned, or before you have developed the cognitive capacity and understanding necessary to know what it is you are consenting to. If someone has withheld vital information regarding exposure to disease then that is both dishonest and coercive. And as we established the presence of coercion precludes all possibility of Consent.


The E stands for Enthusiastic. Consent is never resigned to enduring the lesser of two evils. It is adamant that, Yes! This is not just tolerated but fully desired. Consent is enthusiastic


And the S stands for Specific 

Just because you explicitly consent to one activity does not mean you have implicitly consented to similar activities. 

In fact Implied consent is a logical contradiction. To believe that one can imply consent is to believe that wearing sexy clothes while walking after dark implies you are consenting to sexual assault. To believe that consent can be granted through implication is to believe that agreeing to share a drink together is also an agreement to later sleep together. Consent is definitively explicit. If you ever hear someone use the term implied consent it should immediately raise a red flag. Consent is specific


Those familiar with Arthurian Legend may recall that the story of Parzival 

revolves around the great failure of that hero to voice to the fisher king

this simple but all important question “Are You Okay?”

Learn from his mistake


With more on that we begin our next set with Lucy Clearwater asking always 

Are You Okay?




This is KayBeOhOh Portland 

volunteer powered, member supported community radio

And we're in the last week of our fall membership drive so if you find value in this programming please visit KBOO dot Eff Emm and click the big red donate button. You'll probably feel pretty good when you do


In that last set we just heard Majority Rules by the Great Emu War


Which followed Permission by Avanti Nagral


And we began that set with Lucy Clearwater asking Are You Okay all as part of our consideration of the concept of Consent


Consent is extremely important, 


just look at the text of the Declaration of Independence and you will see that the entire legitimacy of the US legal system rests upon your Consent. 


The entire legitimacy of the US legal system depends upon your consent


Using the helpful acronym FRIES we now understand that Consent must be freely given by you, the individual, no representative can ever consent on your behalf, and no system of Might Makes Right can ever coerce you into giving your consent. Because of this Consent is wholly incompatible with a Majority Rules system


For what is majority Rules if not Might Makes Right?


We also learned that Consent is both Informed and Specific

Which means there is a temporal window, an interval of time in which consent can be given. You cannot consent when you are unconscious. You cannot consent before you were born and you cannot consent after you are dead. This establishes the upper and lower fences for the period in which consent is possible. It is only during the conscious hours of your own limited lifetime that your consent can ever be given. 


For peer group consensus there is similarly a limited interval in which consent can be established. Peer groups are separated by generations and human generations are counted in groupings of thirty years. So for group decisions consent must be reestablished at least every thirty years. 


What this means is that the only way for a government to remain legitimate is if its entire structure and content are remade every thirty years. For the Constitution to maintain legitimacy its slate must be wiped clean and rewritten every thirty years. Not just amended by a majority every hundred years or so but fully consented to by every living member, every generation. 


Consent is not unanimous in the sense that everyone agrees but it is unanimous in the sense that no one disagrees. Where there is a sacred “No” there you will find the boundary of what is legitimate. 


In considering the difference between Consent and Coerce it can be helpful to consider the difference between Dogs and Horses. Specifically the ways by which they came to be domesticated. 



All available evidence seems to suggest that when wolves began living within human society they did so of their own free will. Much as coyotes and badgers living in the wild have been observed to team up together on hunting expeditions it is believed that wolves made the move from scavenging human kill sites to actively participating in the hunt. They were not coerced into doing so but consented to cooperate and thus entered into a commensal relationship with our ancestors.


Horses on the other hand were definitely coerced. The word coerce means to lock together and that is just what the ancient Botai people of central Asia did the first time horses were domesticated. The Botai hunted horses for food by driving them into box canyons where they were more easily slaughtered. Rather than slaughtering the whole herd at once the mouth of the canyon was blocked and the horses were stuck. They didn't choose domestication but had it forced upon them. 

The adults who were born free 

would never willingly 

take a rider, but the foals born into captivity were more easily broken to the bit.


Consent versus Coerce

Feel Together

Lock Together

Dog versus Horse


Just something to think about in this next set


Beginning with that guardian of beauty and giver of greatness, our ever deepening neighbor Laura Gibson off her 2018 album Goners

Here's Domestication

Right now 

On our community radio

Kay be oh oh


[PLAY Laura Gibson to Shame]


This is Kay Be Oh Oh Portland


We are member supported 

community radio 

and depend on listeners like you for 80% of our funding. We're here in the last week of our membership drive 


So please, if KBOO is a valuable part of your routine and you're ready to promote from listener to member the ceremony for doing so is simple, dig?


Go to KBOO dot ef em forward slash give 

Put some bread in the dish 

then dance with delight at fulfilling a wish 

and you'll be in good company, there. 


In that last set we just heard 

Anna Calvi covering Bob Dylan's song All The Tired Horses first released on his 1970 album Self Portrait


Prior to Anna Calvi we heard Jimmy Whispers singing Stray Dogs


Which followed hot on the heels of a relentless track from Shame called Great Dog


Shame was preceded by the very awesome Stella Donnelly singing Beware of the Dogs


And that followed wise words from Waddie Mitchell in a poem titled Horses Dogs and Cowboys


Let's recap, shall we?


On tonight's show we honored a whole bunch of artists who were born this day, some might say a plethora


We learned that the Greek Goddess Demeter likey had an Anatolian precursor called Ida Mater, mother Ida. 


We considered the concept of Consent and how the legitimacy of ALL social interactions are dependent upon it 

from sexual intercourse to the legal system of the good ol USA


And we heard a lot of good music along the way


Well I've enjoyed spending this time with you and as it draws again to a momentary close

I wantchoo to know that you are an important part of this community, and I'm glad we're neighbors


If you'd like to learn more about what we heard or just have another listen you can visit KBOO dot FM, select audio then list of programs and search for oh gee pee oh gee. Now that is spelled phonetically 

Papa Echo Echo

Oscar Hotel

Golf Echo Echo

That's how ya spell

Pee Oh Gee


Or we can bump into one another again between twenty and twenty two hundred the third Sunday of every month


Going to see us out now with new tracks from Kinobe, The remarkable young cowboy Ruan Vitor and The Kiffness


But first, remember friends


Wherever you stay

And wherever you go

Respect all-ways


sacred NO


Until Next Time

Be Well; Do Good





Topic tags: 

Episode Playlist

  • Time
    Haley Johnsen
    Late Bloomer
    Late Bloomer
  • Time
    Michael Hurley
    I Stole The Right to Live
    Ida Con Snock
  • Time
    Al Casey
    Buckjumping (Alternate)
    Six Swinging Strings
    JSP Records
  • Time
    The Be Good Tanyas
    The Littlest Birds
    Nettwerk: 30 Years of Music
  • Time
    Johnny Cash
    Hit the Road and Go
    The Rambler
    Columbia Nashville Legacy
  • Time
    Al Casey
    The Return Of The Green Gretsch
  • Time
    Liam Weldon
    Smuggling The Tin
    Dark Horse on the Wind
    Mulligan Records
  • Time
    Margot Loyola
    Katere Te Vaka
    Isla de Pascua
    Arci Music
  • Time
    Camélia Jordana
    Je te suis
    Je te suis
    Dhaouw Prod / Play Two
  • Time
    Sylvia Moy
    Major Investment
    Youtube Music - One Media - Oct 2012 - Ytmc001
    Motorcity OMP
  • Time
    Cannonball Adderley
    Mercy, Mercy, Mercy - Live
    Jazz Profile: Cannonball Adderley
    Blue Note Records
  • Time
    Bad Brains
    Stay Close to Me (Omega Sessions, 1980)
    Omega Sessions - EP
    Bad Brains Records
  • Time
    Sarah Dougher
    Ode 5
    Cherchez La Femme
  • Time
    Horatio Parker & Abendmusik Chorus
    Hora Novissima: Chorus
    Hora Novissima
    Albany Records
  • Time
    Jefferson Airplane
    Goodbye To Signe 1 - Live 10.15.1966 Late Show - Signe's Farewell
    Live At The Fillmore Auditorium 10/15/66 (Late Show - Signe's Farewell)
  • Time
    Jefferson Airplane
    Chauffeur Blues - Live 10.15.1966 Late Show - Signe's Farewell
    Live At The Fillmore Auditorium 10/15/66 (Late Show - Signe's Farewell)
  • Time
    Crash Test Dummies
    The Voyage
    The Ghosts That Haunt Me
  • Time
    Anne Karin Kaasa
    Ei Anna Glede
    Spor I Landskap
  • Time
    Roy Acuff
    Streamlined Cannonball
    Great Train Tracks
  • Time
    Larry Sparks
    Lazarus and the Rich Man
    The Last Suit You Wear
    McCoury Music/RED
  • Time
    Alexander Borodin
    In the Steppes of Central Asia
    Borodin: Prince Igor (Highlights) / In the Steppes of Central Asia
    Naxos Special Projects
  • Time
    Lucy Clearwater
    Are You Ok?
    Are You Ok?
  • Time
    Avanti Nagral
    Double Standards
    Avanti Nagral
  • Time
    The Great Emu War
    Majority Rules
    The Great Emu War EP
    Good Scrub Records
  • Time
    Laura Gibson
    Domestication / Tenderness
    Barsuk Records
  • Time
    Waddie Mitchell
    Horses, Dogs and Cowboys
    A Prairie Portrait
    Western Jubilee Recording Company
  • Time
    Stella Donnelly
    Beware of the Dogs
    Beware of the Dogs
    Secretly Canadian
  • Time
    Jimmy Whispers
    Stray Dogs
    Ice Cream Truck / Stray Dogs
    Carpark Records
  • Time
    Anna Calvi
    All The Tired Horses
    Domino Recording Co
  • Time
    It's Only a Dream
    Out of the Blue
  • Time
    Ruan Vitor & The Kiffness
    The Kiffness
  • Time
    Mic Crenshaw
    The Movement
    Global Fam

Audio by Topic: