Fury Young of Die Jim Crow and Paul Wright on Coronavirus in Prisons


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Mon, 03/02/2020 - 6:30pm to 7:00pm
Coronavirus in the Prisons


Please join us this week on Prison Pipeline as we speak with Paul Wright on the potential crisis of Coronavirus in the prison system. Wright is Director of the Human Rights Defense Center which educates the public on issues of concern to the prison industrial complex and abuse of rights of people incarcerated. Wright has been reporting on issues related to infectious disease and prisons for decades and will be talking with us about what the prison system should do to keep incarcerated people safe. We will also be joined by Fury Young, the executive director of Die Jim Crow, the first record label in the US for formerly incarcerated musicians.

In 2013, a 23-year old artist-activist named Fury Young got the idea for Die Jim Crow, a concept album about racial injustice in the U.S. prison system written and performed by formerly and currently incarcerated musicians. At the time, Young was halfway through Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow and listening to Pink Floyd’s The Wall in heavy rotation, searching for a social justice cause that drew him in the most. Though he had never experienced incarceration, Fury was close with community members who had, and felt a strong pull toward the issues of mass incarceration and racial injustice. He decided to call it Die Jim Crow 

Prison Pipeline is a radio program dedicated to educating the public about the Oregon criminal justice system. Our goal is to present a unique understanding of the criminal justice system, address the root causes of crime, and challenge the status quo. We seek to promote awareness and activism in order to foster a safe, healthy, and just society.Tune in every Monday at 6:30 P.M. to hear our hosts Karen James, Adam Carpinelli, Amy Johnson, Emma Lugo, Doug McVay and Isabelle Sinclar explore the Oregon justice system with a variety of guests.

Human Rights Defense Center    https://www.humanrightsdefensecenter.org/

Die Jim Crow https://diejimcrow.com/about

Prison Pipeline on Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/prisonpipeline/

Please feel free to connect with us with any questions, comments or suggestions at kbooppc@gmail.com

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