So many of our Master Teachers are leaving this earth- people who created art which stood for creativity and positivity; people who recognized that organization was a tool to getting free; people who achieved massive fame and made a conscious decision to commit 'class suicide.'
Many are honoring Muhammad Ali and speaking to his convictions since his recent transition to be with the ancestors; something like this is interesting to us in a culture which encourages people with huge platforms to either be apolitical, or never color outside of the lines of the so-called two-party system. 'Just shut up and entertain us' people say, thereby disrespecting the work those before us have done, in order for us to even be in a position to have an opinion about what one thinks people 'should' be doing.
This evening we are going to highlight some folks who risked losing the amenities of fame, riches and other comforts, because the liberation of their people (and justice for all oppressed people) came first. This of course is going to highlight people who called for all-out organization, to people who were outspoken against war, racism, imperialism, and more.
(Image: Public Domain)