Anniversary of the murder of Rachel Corrie in Gaza


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Air date: 
Fri, 03/24/2017 - 9:00am to 10:00am
Painting by Malak Mattar; read more about her painting at We Are Not Numbers.

This week on One Land Many Voices, to honor the 14th anniversary of the murder of Rachel Corrie, we bring you a talk by Rachel Corrie’s parents and her friend.

Rachel was from Olympia Washington, and was 23 years old in 2003 when she went to Palestine to volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement, which provides non-violent witness and action in support of Palestinian equal rights and opposing the Israeli military occupation.

She went to Rafah, in southern Gaza, where she and other activists stood in front of a Palestinian doctor’s home that the Israeli forces had slated for demolition in order to clear out a security zone. All the homes in that ‘security zone’ were demolished. As she stood in front of the home, holding a megaphone and wearing a bright orange vest, Rachel was shouted at to move by the Israeli soldier driving the bulldozer. When she didn’t move, she was mowed down and killed.

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