2010 Olympic Resistance: Stolen Lives, Stolen Land



KBOO is proud to co-sponsor:

2010 Olympic Resistance: Stolen Lives, Stolen Land

When: January 3rd, 2010

Where: Native American Resource Center @ Portland State University

Time: 4-9PM

Cost: Free

Setting the Record Straight, is a collective out of Portland, OR focused on promoting understandings of privilege and decolonization through free educational events. They are putting on an event with the purpose of raising awareness of the impacts of the 2010 Olympics. The event will consist of speakers from a variety of backgrounds in American Indian activism. These include:

Cornel Pewewardy- Head of the Native American Studies Department at Portland State University. Anti -Indian mascot educator and this year's recipient of the Native American Teacher of the Year Award.

Organizers from the Olympic Resistance Network in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Chris Francisco- Indigenous filmmaker and activist. He will be presenting his film "DooDa Desert Rock" about the struggle to resist hte proposal to build a power plant on Dine land.

And More...

This is free educational even, though we will be fundraising for the DooDa Desert Rock Resistance. This event is in response to a call out from the Olympic Resistance Team in Canada to educate and mobilize aganist the Olympics.

For more info: strs.wordpress.com or contact Sara Kasper/Morgan Wilson at strs.pdx (at) gmail (dot) com


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