Become An Underwriter



Increasing your business visibility through program sponsorship


“Underwriting programs on KBOO has been good for us in so many ways.  Not only can we take pride in supporting community radio and all of its diverse programming, but it has had a direct impact on my business by bringing many repeat customers to my door.  In the ten years we have been with KBOO, these relationships have proven to be long-standing, and, of course, profitable.”  ~Hank Carver, owner, The Garden Spout


KBOO's underwriters are acknowledged on-air with brief announcements of a business's financial support for KBOO. The underwriting announcements usually sound like "KBOO programming is supported by our members and by..." Underwriting is a unique way for business and organizations to publically show their support for community radio, while also increasing their media presence. 


Fiercely independent, committed to the controversial, and provider of access, training, and programming, that’s KBOO-FM--Portland’s original community radio station.  Since June 1968, listeners have relied on the real people with real voices that KBOO brings to air every hour of every day.  And while KBOO is staunchly noncommercial, it has a long history of working with local businesses to get their message out to KBOO’s diverse listenership while ensuring continued access to the public airwaves.


“KBOO provides our group with the most effective forum to promote Americana and Bluegrass music in a non-commercial environment. Our KBOO underwriting makes all the difference when we have a concert or other bluegrass related event.”  
~Christine Palmer, President, Oregon Bluegrass Association


Every day, retail stores, restaurants, concert promoters, theaters, service providers, labor unions, and many more reach out to KBOO’s progressive, diverse, and dedicated audience by sponsoring, or “underwriting,” specific programs.  Underwriters receive on air acknowledgments during those programs that let listeners know who they are, the purpose of their business, location, and how to reach them for more information.  

KBOO reaches over 39,000 listeners every week, and our listeners are faithful; over one third listen for several hours each day and about half make KBOO their first or second choice of radio stations. See our broadcast coverage maps


Underwriting generally ranges from $30-$38 per acknowledgment; remember, we only do one acknowledgment per program, so the number of programs and the number of acknowledgments is the same. Ask about package discounts for year-long agreements.

  Number of Spots     Spot Price
   1-11 $38.00
   12 - 25 $35.00
   26 or more $30.00

Your Underwriting Acknowledgment

An underwriting acknowledgment always begins with the same lead-in: “This program is made possible by KBOO members and support from…” After that, we can go as long as 15-20 seconds, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but we fit quite a bit in.

What we cannot say is any statement that is qualitative (“the best…”), solicitory (a call to action, as in “call now!”), comparative (that is, language specifically intended to distinguish one's business from one's competitors), or includes price information. Nor can we use music beds (that is, theme music behind the acknowledgment). One approach is to think of the three main things you want to get across, and that works as a good starting point. The acknowledgement must be approved by both the underwriter and the station manager, and is likely to look something like the following:

Sample Underwriting Acknowledgment

This program is made possible by KBOO members and support from:

[your business name here], specializing in [your product or service]. [your business] is located at [your location]. For more information the number is [your phone number] or [your web address]

Portland Saturday Market has been an underwriter...for the past 10 years and we plan to continue into the future. Supporting artists and musicians who create original content are the cornerstones of the market’s purpose and KBOO nurtures local musicians in the same way by allowing them airtime that they might not otherwise get on other stations.”
~Reid Decker, Marketing Manager, Portland Saturday Market

FAITHFUL     Because KBOO listeners tune in to hear what is left undone by other media

sources, they are faithful; many listen for several hours every day.

DIVERSE      The most eclectic schedule means your promotion targets the listeners you

want to reach, whether they’re listening to hillbilly or hip hop, public affairs or punk, Bollywood or blues.

LOCAL          Since virtually every KBOO program is produced in our studios by members

of Portland’s diverse communities, underwriting acknowledgments reach deeply into those communities.

ENGAGED      Our listeners are educated, progressive, active, savvy, and of all ages
VALUES          Underwriters align themselves with KBOO’s progressive values of peace,

justice, multiculturalism, environmentalism, and inclusion; the values that are most important to our listeners

AUDIBLE        Because KBOO limits the number of underwriters on every program, your

message will always be heard loud and clear.


"Back in the late 1960's we were KBOO volunteers, now we gratefully support KBOO through the underwriting program. Its diversity of voices from the community has served as a wellspring of what is authentic in Portland culture."  
~Liz and Jim, Hawthorne Auto Clinic, Inc.


  • 94% of consumers are more likely to switch brands if another brand supports a cause and is of similar price and quality*.
*Research brief from the Center for Media Research Global Consumers Want More Corporate Responsibility.


  • “The Halo Effect”: 60% of listeners have a more favorable opinion of a company that sponsors public radio.*


  • One station reported that listeners increased their purchases from new sponsors by an average of 14 percent during the six-month survey period. Their willingness to consider a new sponsor for future purchases improved 11 percent.*


  • Among members the gains were higher still; frequency of purchases and consideration for future purchases increased by 21 percent and 13 percent, respectively.*


  • Continuing underwriters reaped the biggest benefits from sponsorship. For eight underwriters’ brands, listeners and donors increased their purchasing frequency at twice the rate of the general sample, and perceptions of the brand quality and consideration for future purchases grew by 9 percent or more.* 
*“WBUR finds ROI for stores in underwriting.”  Karen Everhart, 8/29/11


“Working with KBOO has helped us reach many of the most devoted listeners of artists we book. The KBOO staff has been flexible and responsive to our needs as a concert promoter to help get the word out about acts coming to Portland whether this be through ticket giveaways, advertising, and setting up in-studio sessions. Thanks from True West!”
~Lindsey Lux, True West Productions


"We believe that independent, non-corporate, locally-based media is critical to a well-functioning society, and we have the greatest respect for the way KBOO fills that role...KBOO delivers the people we want to reach... educated, engaged, aware, and concerned.  We've been very happy with our support of KBOO, and we recommend any business looking for a strong connection to the Portland community consider KBOO as a way to achieve their goals."  
~Charles Letherwood, Marketing Director, Tom Dwyer Automotive Services


We list our underwriters on our website.


Contact us at to become an underwriter today!


KBOO shall not knowingly accept funds from individuals, organizations, or businesses which:
  • are involved in weapons manufacturing;
  • make investments in repressive governments (other than the United States);
  • have been shown to discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual preference, national origin, age, religion, marital status, or physical or mental disability;
  • have been shown to tolerate sexual harassment;
  • have been shown to use unfair labor practices;
  • have been shown to be environmentally irresponsible;
  • produce or distribute materials deemed offensive on the grounds listed above; or
  • KBOO’s Board of Directors determines would be detrimental to the social responsibilities of the station.
  • Additionally, KBOO shall not accept underwriting from religious organizations or political candidates.

Underwriter agrees that Underwriter’s support of Station, regardless of level or duration, shall not give Underwriter any right to directly or indirectly influence program selection or content or Station policy on any matter. Any attempt by Underwriter to influence programming based on advertiser’s financial support shall be grounds for terminating underwriting agreement.