What's New for Volunteers Late January / February


What's New for Volunteers Late January / February

January is a busy month for KBOO!  Many, many thanks to volunteers who pull together to make it all possible!  I want to thank  Jamilah Bourdon and Lisa Loving for producing the Martin Luther King Day live remote from the Highland Center. Thanks also to Leas Averill, Tom Hood, Kate Welch, Liam Delta, Devin LaCroix, Marty, and Bryan Stevens for for help with the tech aspects of the day his assistance. Thanks also go to JoAnn Bowman, Reggae  Bob  Hamilton, Armando  Gonzales, Liz Perry, William Cromartie & Del  Walker for being the on-air hosts for the day, and to Jose Guadarrama, Jeff Kipilman, Jahleah Aird, William Cromartie, Deena Barnwell, LeighAnne Kranz, and Robert Barncord for staffing the KBOO information table during the day and representing our community.
Please come to the KBOO Community Meeting for listeners, members and volunteers on January 26th, see more information on the homepage.  I want to send out a huge amount of appreciation to Carrie Munn, who  stepped forward as a KBOO member  with skills in facilitation to  help  us make the most of this time together.

We need more volunteers to help answer the phones during our 12 hour "mini-drive" & public affairs special on January 31st, entitled "No Beginning Too Small". 

Coming up in February we will begin trainings for our Spring
Membership Drive, which will start next  month.  The drive is always a
great time to jump into your community radio station, meet the whole
crew and have a fun while supporting listener  sponsored, volunteer
driven radio!

On  February 16th, we have a very special afternoon of training for
all volunteers and staff  with Cliff Jones, "Interrupting Oppression".
 This is an important training for all of us, and the importance is
emphasized in our work with each other within  a multicultural
organization.   How do  we  talk with  each other when someone says
something  that is hurtful?  How can we better address racism and
sexism within our community and the world? All KBOO volunteers are
encouraged to attend; this training  will be held at  Liberty Hall--
located at 311 N. Ivy, on Saturday, February 16th, 1 - 4 PM.  Light
refreshments will be served.  Please contact me to  register or for
more information.

If you are not yet  a KBOO volunteer, but would like to be, please
register for the next volunteer  orientation, taking place at KBOO on
Saturday, February 9th, 1 - 3 PM.  Contact  me to register.

For more information and last minute updates about what's happening in
the KBOO volunteer  community, please check out our website,
www.kboo.fm/volunteer. To register for trainings or the orientation,
contact me at 503-231-8032 ext. 213.


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