Hello, my name is Ani, and I'm the volunteer coordinator with KBOO.
KBOO is starting our Spring Membership Drive, Thursday, May 3rd, our goal is to raise $75,000!
This is hugely important because KBOO's ability to remain a vibrant independent source for news, music, community information, and art absolutely relies on listener support. There are a number of roles for volunteers, and I’d love to talk with you further about how you’d like to participate!
Right now, we are especially in need of volunteers to help answer the pledge phones, taking information from our listeners, and helping them become members of KBOO. Shifts are generally available between 6 am through 10 pm, and are between 90 minutes - 4 hours long.
If you have always wanted to check out KBOO, the drive is a great way to introduce yourself.
You'll get a great feel for what it's like to be a part of the volunteer community, while providing essential support for our grassroots fundraising efforts. By volunteering for the drive you’ll meet a number of volunteers who can tell you all about what they do, and how you can get involved, too.
Your participation helps make sure that the drive has the support it needs to stay upbeat, as many hands make light work. Drives are a great time to deepen your involvement with KBOO and the community as it brings volunteers from all parts of the station and schedule together, making for dynamic conversations.
Please contact me to get more information, or to schedule your involvement. You can phone me at 503-231-8032 ext. 213 or email me at volunteer@kboo.org
Thanks very much! Hope to see you soon!