The Old Mole Variety Hour for July 1, 2019



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Published date: 
Friday, June 28, 2019 - 3:21pm
Produced for (Program name): 

Joe Clement hosts and we hear:

  • Bill Resnick talks with Candace Falk about the recently aired PBS "American Experience" documentary on Emma Goldman. Candace runs the Emma Goldman Archive Project at UC Berkeley.
  • Denise Morris and Jan Haaken review the boxing-classic "Rocky" and consider it in light of myths of American greatness.
  • Joe talks with local meditator and activist, Guy Berliner, about the corporate promotion mindfulness meditation, but also the connections we could make between meditation and changing the world.
  • Jan Haaken talks with Sophie Smith, a humanitarian aid worker in Arivaca Arizona and co-founder of People Helping People in the Border Lands, about he recent trial of Scott Warren in Tucson--a fellow humanitarian aid worker who was criminally prosecuted for providing food and water to migrants crossing the borderlands.