Rajan Shankara left the world at 19 years old to become a monk and study his mind, find out what meaning and purpose was, and if meditation could take him to higher states of consciousness.
Being trained in the one of the world's foremost meditation institutions for over a decade, Rajan studied theology, philosophy and psychology while surrounded by renowned experts on the mind, body and fluid intelligence.
He has helped edit and publish some of Hinduism's oldest scriptures on health, balance and culture; has performed religious ceremony for thousands of devotees; and helped build America's only hand-carved all granite temples in Hawaii. rajanshankara.com
Hosted by Donald Altman. Donald is an award-winning author of over 20 books, a psychotherapist and former monk whose work integrates ancient, timeless practices into our modern lifestyles. He has taught thousands of professionals in health care, mental health and business how to use mindfulness practices for greater resilience, balance, healing and joy. mindfulpractices.com