In this followup to our 2019 interview with underground comics legend Bill Griffith, we talk more about his remarkable 50-year career as an underground artist, helping kickstart the underground comics movement of the 1960's with his mashups of pop culture and surrealism, which included such oddities as Wacky Packages trading cards.
Best known as the creator of the satirical daily newspaper comic Zippy the Pinhead, Griffith has also tackled family secrets in his graphic memoir Invisible Ink: My Mother's Secret Love Affair with a Famous Cartoonist and the history of the circus sideshow in Nobody's Fool: The Life and Times of Schlitzie the Pinhead.
S.W. Conser sits down with Griffith to find out about the challenges of being an independent voice in the comics industry. Special thanks to Bill Dodge for his audio recording assistance.