Radio depends on sound. Sound is reproduced from a source & emanates from your radio. An echo is a copy of a sound bounced back from something like a wall or a mountain. Is a radio wave therefore an echo? No, but radio waves echo. Echo is a function of sound. I see I've lost you here. This was supposed to be a rhetorical exercise involving a radio show about echoes but now I've foolishly included things that can be fact-checked, that have actual scientific explanations. This has all gone wrong.
Which is sort of how every episode of Self Help Radio goes, so if you listen, or if you're going to listen, please get used to it. This show features a lot of songs about echoes as well as interviews with a biologist who studies echolocation, a psychologist who treats echolalia, & a musician/producer who uses echoes in his work. Also the show's resident cinephile stops by to talk about films that feature echoes. We hope it's an enjoyable three hours (!).
This is where a joke about echoes might happen, but it would probably be one that you've heard before.
Note about the image manipulated above: "crop circle - echoes" by oddsock is licensed under CC BY 2.0