Host Karen James is joined by Talia Gad, Communications Director and Babak Zolfaghari-Azar, Senior Policy manager with Partnership for Safety & Justice. The Oregon Legislature is in session and we’ll discuss PSJ’s 2023 Legislative priorities and their upcoming Advocacy Day on April 19th. The focus for this legislative session is Shrinking the System and Investing in Equity and Healing:
- SB 581 on earned discharge safetyandjustice.org/581
- Justice Reinvestment
- Restorative Justice
- Funding gun violence prevention and crime survivors’ healing / Healing Hurt People safetyandjustice.org/HHP
- Measure 110 Implementation and treatment
- Equitable workgroups safetyandjustice.org/2650
SB 581 would make the earned discharge eligibility requirements consistent for people who are on parole, probation, and post-prison supervision. https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/SB581/A-Engrossed
HB 2650 ensures equitable policy outcomes by requiring task forces and workgroups to include the people who are most affected by these policies. HB2650 compensates workgroup and task force members for their time and travel. https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2023R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB2650/Introduced
Register for Advocacy Day https://safetyandjustice.org/advocacyday2023registration/