Tom Rachman on "The Imperfectionists" -- novel of a Roman newspaper and its staff



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Air date: 
Thu, 02/24/2011 - 11:00am to 11:30am
Tom Rachmanon his novel "The Imperfectionists"

Ed Goldberg interviews Tom Rachman, author of The Imperfectionists, a novel about a newspaper in Rome and the characters that staff it.

Tom Rachman was born in 1974 in London, but grew up in Vancouver. He studied cinema at the University of Toronto and completed a Master's degree in journalism at Columbia University in New York. From 1998, he worked as an editor at the foreign desk of The Associated Press in New York, then did a stint as a reporter in India and Sri Lanka, before returning to New York. In 2002, he was sent to Rome as an AP correspondent, with assignments taking him to Japan, South Korea, Turkey and Egypt. Beginning in 2006, he worked part-time as an editor at the International Herald Tribune in Paris to support himself while writing fiction. He now lives in London, where he is working on his second novel. 


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