It’s summer here on Jonesy, as it might be for you, and that means Jonesy himself is on the run, I mean traveling again, I don’t know where. What I do know is this show comes to a complete stand-still when he’s gone. So we’ll be doing what we usually do – re-airing one of our favorite previous interviews. The one you’ll hear today is with Lidia Yuknavitch, which we first ran last summer. The occasion was the pub date of Lidia’s latest novel Thrust, one of the best books I’ve had the pleasure to read in recent years. Well, Thrust was just released in paperback, and makes a perfect addition to your summer reading list.
Ron Charles of the Washington Post calls Thrust the “most mind-blowing book about America I’ve ever inhaled. . . . I read Thrust in a state of flustered fascination and finished longing to dream it again.”
So all of us here, possibly Jonesy as well, hope you’re having a great summer, climate change notwithstanding, and you enjoy listening to our conversation with Lidia from July 2022. We had to cut a bit to fit the half-hour timeslot. But if this whets your appetite for more, you can stream the longer version on-demand here: https://kboo.org/media/110630-lidia-yuknavitch-author-thrust