Barbie the doll is a social hieroglyph and a corporate brand; Barbie the movie is a commercial juggernaut of liberal-individualist girlbossing. Is the movie funny, inspiring, infuriating? Yes; yes, it is. Frann Michel shares comments.
Tithi Bhattacharya, “Barbie” Lets Us Laugh at the Patriarchy, But Not at the Expense of Corporations" in Truthout
Rithika Ramamurthy, "Barbie and the Problem of Corporate Power" at Nonprofit Quarterly
Ayah El-Khaldi, "War on Gaza: Barbie's Oscars ‘snub’ is used to shine a light on Palestinian women's plight"
Image credit: "Barbie" by kevin dooley licensed under CC BY 2.0; altered by cropping.
Image description: cracked sepia photo of naked barbie doll from the waist up.