Women with Moxie and Courage to Start Their Own Businesses



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Air date: 
Fri, 07/29/2011 - 12:00am
Women with Moxie and Courage to Start Their Own Businesses
Women are creating, building and leading some of the most innovative businesses in the world. Along the way, often at great risk and against the odds, they have shattered glass ceilings and entrenched stereotypes and have redefined the meaning of leadership and success.


Join Bread and Roses host, Ashley Thirstrup, as she speaks with five local women:  Christina Aleckson - SIngle Point Financial Advisor www.singlepointadvisors.com/Christina-Aleckson,-MBA.5.htm, Julia Bauman Sarver- www.findyourglow.com , Amy Lux  - Lux Jewelry www.facebook.com/luv.lux.jewelry , Lila Eidi - Freelance Multimedia www.lilaeidi.com , and Sally - Pin Me Apparel www.pin-me-apparel.com who have all started small businesses here in Portland.  They discuss what motivates them, what challenges them, what risks they have taken, and what continues to spark their creativity and drive to continually improve their businesses. 

She also interviews Christina Aleckson and Julia Bauman Sarver about the networking group Women With Moxie  www.womenwithmoxie.com/cities/index.php about how women can learn, educate and support each other, as they all build their businesses together. 

Everyone listening will learn some tips for starting a business and making it successful.

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