Andrew Geller speaks with Dr. Ted Schuur, an Associate Professor in the University of Florida's Biology Department and Principal Investigator of the Permafrost Carbon Network, discuss permafrost and what's happening to it in a rapidly warming Arctic.
Then Joe Romm, Editor of the Climate Progress blog, joins Andrew to talk about the 2012 climate, recent global talks and what happened, as well as what it might take for enough people to demand the drastic actions necessary to possibly prevent catastrophic climate change.
Ticking Arctic Carbon Bomb May Be Bigger Than Thought
Loss of Ice, Melting Of Permafrost And Other Climate Effects Are Occurring At An Alarming Pace
Thawing of permafrost to be ‘major factor’ in global warming, warns UN report
UNEP Permafrost Report (Dec 2012) PDF
An Illustrated Guide to the Science of Global Warming Impacts