Alternative Radio on 06/17/09



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Air date: 
Wed, 06/17/2009 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Bill McKibben - Climate Change: Tipping Point (lecture)

Bill McKibben was among the first who sounded the alarm on climate change with his bestselling book "The End of Nature." A scholar in residence at Middlebury College, he is a leading activist, journalist and author on the environment. His latest book is "Deep Economy." He is co-founder of
Glaciers are retreating at a rapid rate. Within just a few years there will be no more snows on Kilimanjaro. Glaciers in the Andes, the Rockies, and the Himalayas are all shrinking. The polar ice shelves are fracturing. Sea level is rising. The permafrost is melting. Millions of people worldwide are at risk. A major refugee crisis looms. Climate change, if unchecked, will literally swamp all other issues facing humanity. A report from the Geneva based Global
Humanitarian Forum, headed by Kofi Annan, states, "Climate change is the greatest emerging humanitarian challenge of our time." A full blown disaster is on the horizon. Will we act to save our precious home, planet earth? Time is short. World leaders will meet in Copenhagen to negotiate a new international climate treaty. Decisive action, not cosmetic changes, is required. We are at a tipping point.


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