FRIENDS OF FAMILY FARMERS - Growing a New Generation of Sustainable Farmers
More and more people are concerned about where their food comes from, how it is grown and who grows it. But if more of us want to eat locally grown, sustainable food, we also need to grow a new generation of farmers commited to sustainable agricultural principles. Who is going to ensure that new farmers can find affordable land close to markets and can navigate the unpredictable and often turbulent waters of full-time farming? We are fortunate in Oregon to have an organization dedicated to just that. On this episode of Locus Focus we talk with Leah Rodgers, field director for Friends of Family Farmers, about how her organization supports family farmers across the state who are dedicated to sustainable agriculture. We'll learn about some of their current projects including listening sessions with farmers across the state and iFarm, which connects new and young farmers with the land and resources they need to get starte. We'll also hear the latest on the 2012 Food and Farm Bill and why the Farm Bill matters as much to urban eaters as rural farmers.
Friends of Family Farmers is the only statewide agricultural organization working to promote and protect socially responsible family farming, ranching and healthy rural communities in Oregon. Their programs include a farmer campaign; programs designed for urban eaters such as the monthly InFarmation (and Beer); farm to school programs; and keeping tabs on the corporate agriculture lobby and the state agencies charged with promoting and regulating agricultural activities. They also monitor and make the public aware of the threats to Oregon agriculture from factory farms moving into rural communities.