Voices from the Edge on 02/09/12



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Air date: 
Thu, 02/09/2012 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Mitt's billion-dollar sugar daddy, BP petroleum pirates and other harrowing updates from Greg Palast

Mitt's billion-dollar sugar daddy, BP petroleum pirates and other harrowing updates from Greg Palast

As the presidential primaries kick into high gear, campaign contributions from big oil, high finance and other corporate high rollers who want four more years of the status quo are gushing. Hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer is at the top of the list of corporate sugar daddies who are pouring $1 million or more into Restore Our Future pro-Romney Super PAC. With growing pressure from the 99 percent, these elites of the 1 percent are working overtime to protect their turf.

This week, Jo Ann and Dave are joined again by investigative reporter Greg Palast, whose work on corporate corruption of our democracy has earned him the enmity of Singer and others through his daily coverage for BBC as well as his recent book, Vulture's Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates, and High Finance Carnivores. The conversation will include a look at how hard Singer and company are working to buy the election, as well as the environmental disaster waiting to happen if the GOP succeeds in pushing through the XL Pipeline.

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Jo Ann Hardesty is a former state legislator, former director of Oregon Action and past board president of Portland Community Media, as well as a long-time leader in the struggle for racial and economic justice. Dave Mazza is a journalist and former editor of The Portland Alliance who has covered and been involved in Portland's civil rights, environmental, labor and peace movements for over 20 years.

Join Jo Ann and Dave every Thursday as they bring you guests and conversations on issues that are important to you. Support Voices from the Edge by becoming a KBOO member (just click the "tip jar" in the upper right-hand corner on KBOO's homepage to find out how) or consider becoming an underwriter of this program (contact KBOO's development director for details).

Co-Hosts: Jo Ann Hardesty and Dave Mazza

Producers: Dave Mazza and Jo Ann Hardesty

Program Engineer: Steve Nassar

Audio Editor: Alicia Olson

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