Today on Hiroshima Day hosts Cecil Prescod and Celeste Carey speak with participants in the Portland event marking 50 years of remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki and calling for end to nuclear weapons.
Peace and community groups in Portland will mark their 50th year of commemorating the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a program of speakers and performers featuring Washington State Poet Laureate Kathleen Flenniken beginning at 6pm on August 6th, at the Japanese American Historical Plaza on the Portland Waterfront at NW Naito Parkway & Couch Street.
Guests on today's show include Carol Urner, age 83, who helped organize the original 1962 Portland commemoration of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and remains on the planning committee today. “College students and young mothers began this commemoration in response to both the Berlin crisis which brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, and to the continued atmospheric testing which threatened us all personally, especially our children,” said Carol Urner of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. “Considering that the United States still has more than 1700 nuclear warheads ready to be launched at any moment, this commemoration remains an important way we involve younger generations in remembering the horrors of nuclear weapons and in working for a nuclear free future.”
Also on the program will be Chisao Hata who will perform her original Choreopoem, "Remember My Face". Ms. Hata is an arts educator and dance/theatre artist who creates original dance/theatre performances and has developed a teaching approach that incorporates modern and contemporary dance forms, text, poetry, physical theatre, and traditional and folk styles of Japanese dance. Her performances (Harmos, Song of Gingko, Drumsouls) build community partnerships and artistic collaborations focused on themes of healing, creative expression, and global connections. She is currently the dance specialist for Buckman Arts Focus Elementary.
Photos below left to right: Carol Urner today, Carol Urner and her husband Jack fifty years ago, Chisao Hata in performance, Carol Urner and Finn Amundson (age 3) working together on the Shadow Project this week to remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki.