The guest is James Steele, co-author with Donald Barlett of the THE BETRAYAL OF THE AMERICAN DREAM. The New York Times calls the book "a fiercely-reported indictment of how the American middle class has been condemned to terminal decline, from the authors of America: What Went Wrong."
Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele are one of the most widely acclaimed investigative reporting teams in American journalism. They have worked together for more than four decades, first at The Philadelphia Inquirer, (1971-1997) where they won two Pulitzer Prizes and scores of other national journalism awards, then at Time magazine, (1997-2006) where they earned two National Magazine Awards, becoming the first journalists in history to win both the Pulitzer Prize for newspaper work and its magazine equivalent for magazine reporting, and now at Vanity Fair as contributing editors. They also have written eight books.