The Dirtbag on 08/14/13



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Air date: 
Wed, 08/14/2013 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
The when and how of picking fruit and vegetables at just the right time in just the right manner

Just in time for it's August peak, host Glen Andresen and guest Jim Gilbert tackle the topic of harvesting--the when and how of picking fruit and vegetables at just the right time in just the right manner.

As always, a new Plant of the Month (pears); a new Garden Stumper quiz (with actual prizes again this month--tickets to the September 12 showing of "Cafeteria Man" at the Hollywood Theatre's 1st Annual Portland EcoFilm Festival); what's going on in the honey bee hive this month; and answers to your gardening questions.

The Dirtbag... Listen. Laugh. Learn.

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