50th Anniversary of the March on Washington: Why Are We Still Marching?
This week marks the fiftieth anniversary of the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. On a hot August day in 1963 over 200,000 people gathered on the Washington Mall to declare their commitment to social and economic justice and demand the federal government take action to guarantee the civil rights of all citizens.
As Oregonians join people throughout the nation to commemorate this event, we pause and ask, why are the gains of the civil rights movement being dismantled? What is the clarion call to justice for our generation? What lessons can we learn from the victories and failures of the civil right struggles of the 1950s and 1960s?
Join Celeste and Cecil with your ideas, hopes, and questions, as we explore the barriers to justice today and ways to build on the freedom foundation laid by our foremothers and forefathers.
503-231-8187, moretalkradio@gmail.com