"In The Mix: Conversations with Artists...Between Races" by Dmae Roberts is a radio exploration of Mixed Race. Through the voices of artists who have dedicated their lives to building bridges and bringing to light interracial issues and themes, Roberts takes us on a journey to understanding what means to be of Mixed Race. In Part Two, you'll hear Novelist Lisa See (Peony in love), Playwright Heather Raffo (9 Parts of Desire), Writer/Conceptual Artist damali ayo,Playwright Velina Hasu Houston, and three actors from the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Juan Rivera LaBron, Soneela Nankani and Joshua Wolf Coleman For more info visit the Facebook page or go to MixedRaceWorld.org.
Associate producer is Sara Caswell and mix engineer is Clark Salisbury. Originally aired in 2008.
Funded by the Regional Arts and Culture Council and the National Endowment for the Arts. Listen to Part One here....