Portland African American Leadership Forum: Its Vision and Mission


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Air date: 
Mon, 04/28/2014 - 8:00am to 9:00am
A New Generation of African American Leaders

Celeste Carey and Cecil Prescod speak with representatives of the Portland African American Leadership Forum (PAALF) about its vision and work. In recent months this organization has been a powerful force in the public discussions of how to address gentrification and increase the economic, social, and political power of African Americans in Portland.

PAALF's website state that its' " mission is to solve issues that challenge the Portland African American community in a unified and collaborative way. PAALF’s primary goal is to enforce an action agenda that improves the health and wellbeing of local African Americans. Its’ work addresses the unique and interrelated issues of poverty and disparities that challenge us as a community."
PAALF is a convener of African American leaders around a public policy agenda that impacts the community in the areas of housing & economic development, education, health, and civic engagement/leadership.

Join us as we hear from a new generation of leaders that is challenging existing power structures and paradigms. 503-231-8187, moretalkradio@gmail.com

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