The Internet on Lockdown: Hacktivist & Whistleblower Political Prisoners


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Air date: 
Mon, 04/25/2016 - 6:30pm to 7:00pm
The Internet on Lockdown: Hacktivist & Whistleblower Political Prisoners

Adam Carpinelli will interview attorney Jay Lieberman.  The global rise of sharing ideas and information has promoted the act of hacking, or breaking into a computer system, for politically or socially motivated purposes of liberating everything from secret government files to online academic journals.  Lieberman will discuss the legal implications and political dimensions of imprisonment of people with new sentences setting precedent for many immoral prison sentences.  The global sharing of ideas and information has brought great complications to internet security for citizens concerned about government censorship.  With the rise of concomitant communication globally spreading on the interested has given great security concerns for citizens against government secrets.  Several whistleblowers and hacktivists concerned about liberating ideas and publicizing information such as Chelsea Manning and Jeremy Hammond.  This interview will also discuss the KBOO co-sponsored film screening and fundraiser about the history of Anonymous latter in the week.  

For more information:

KBOO co-sponsored community event: Facebook Event Page:

Film Trailer:

Chelsea Manning Support:

Jeremy Hammond: 

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