Oregon's Disproportionately High Rate of Incarceration of Black People


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Thu, 06/23/2016 - 8:00am to 9:00am
Photo of Oregon State Prison
Oregon's Disproportionately High Rate of Incarceration of Black People


Jo Ann Hardesty hosts a discussion of a new report on racial disparities in state prisons that provides evidence of a disproportionately high rate of incarceration of black Oregonians. “The Color of Justice: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in State Prisons” from The Sentencing Project in Washington DC shows Oregon has the seventh highest rate in the United States of incarceration of black people in state prisons per 100,000 black residents. 2061 black Oregonians are incarcerated per 100,000 black residents, a rate that is 46% higher than the national average. That compares to a rate of 366 whites per 100,000 white residents and 395 Latinos per 100,000 Latino residents.

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ulpanaylaylo's picture

Dear Jo Ann,

Thanks for calling an audible and changing topics this morning to discuss the Coast to Coast Crisis in Law Enforcement's latest blip on the national media radar with the superb digging by the local alternative newspaper the EAST BAY EXPRESS (EB EXPRESS) filling in more of the context on the remarkable Mayor of Oakland Libby Schaaf's third dismissal of an Oakland Police Department Chief in nine days and her banner quote: "As the mayor of Oakland, I am here to run a Police Department, not a frat house," although I am not sure any frat house has been linked to human trafficking of minors as has the Oakland Police Department! And as noted on your broadcast, Jo Ann, with parallels to our own Po'Town PD coming under federal DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (DOJ) monitoring, Oakland's PD has been under federal DOJ monitoring for 13 years! That means both GOP and DNC administrations in Washington have a DOJ incapable of criminally prosecuting either WHITE COLLAR FINANCIAL SERVICES FRAUD by BUSINESS PLANNERS or BLUE SUITED LAW ENFORCEMENT SEX TRAFFICKERS OF MINORS!

Here is the link to the EB EXPRESS anchor report for their series of long-form journalism exposes of OAKLAND's DOJ-MONITORED LAW ENFORCEMENT dating back well before the appearance of BLACK LIVES MATTER (BLM):

The latest update is here: http://www.eastbayexpress.com/SevenDays/archives/2016/06/17/new-oakland-...

At one time the EAST BAY EXPRESS was a sister alternative weekly with the similarly legendary CHICAGO READER that for 25 years was tracking reports (only substantiated and acknowledged in a civil suit a couple of years ago) of a CHICAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT SECRET TORTURE SITE FOR 'SUSPECTS'. The CHICAGO READER published this Who's Who of 25 years of WHITE-OUT MEDIA COVERING UP Midwestern Mayhem on the order of Spokane's CIA Post 9-11-01 Private Torture Consultants the American Psychhological Association's enterprising MITCHELL JESSEN Associates as revealed in THE SPOKESMAN newspaper before the NY TIMES picked it up for a cover story, or on the order of Bagram (Afghanistan), Abu Ghraib (Iraq) and GITMO (U.S. - Occupied Cuba) and the U.C. Berkeley Law Professor John Yoo permission granted the Bush-Cheney Administration to torture 'suspects':

While our own KBOO NEWS\PUBLIC AFFAIRS and DEMOCRACY NOW have added good Community Radio follow-up, from my vantage point this COAST TO COAST CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE in LAW ENFORCEMENT began not with the coverage by the WILLAMETTE WEEK on the revolving doors between PUBLIC SERVICE and PRIVATE INTERESTS of Police Chief Reese and others in local government back in April:

Then the other flat-footed shoe dropping in the PORTLAND TRIBUNE on the succession of PDX PD Chiefs Mike Reese to Lawrence O'Dea to place-holder (with Portland's City Council system the Mayor is the actual POLICE COMMISSIONER while the Police Chiefs come and go through the revolving door between PUBLIC SERVICE and the PORTLAND BUSINESS ALLIANCE lobbying positions) and most recently revolving back from PBA lobbyist Reese who cashed in by doing PR for militarizing police departments morphing into interim SHERIFF OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY. This coming after the forced resignation of SHERIFF DAN STATON who was caught with his hand in the new automobile he ordered for his own use, err his hand in the OVERTIME cookie jar as well-covered here:

But my attention got drawn to the NATIONAL BROADCAST NEWS WHITE-OUT when the PUBLIC RADIO EXCHANGE (PRX) syndicated humor and storytelling syndicated audio magazine program THIS AMERICAN LIFE in 2010 brought to a national ENTERTAINMENT audience the story broken by NYC alternative press weekly the VILLAGE VOICE on beat patrol NYPD officer ADRIAN SCHOOLCRAFT whose attempt to blow the whistle to the SERPICO-famous NYPD INTERNAL AFFAIRS Bureau of the cooking of crime reduction stats under then term-limit-extended BILLIONAIRE MAYOR BLOOMBERG were a sham as was the Mayor and NYPD POLICE CHIEF's STOP & FRISK policy outcomes that were touted by corporate-captured media as such an exemplary model of successful policing:

This wonderful bit of audio reportage linked above as EPISODE 414 of THIS AMERICAN LIFE was based on the VILLAGE VOICE alternative press expose (none of this stuff ever gets considered for Pulitzers or Polk Awards in Journalism which ought to be another sign of INSTITUTIONAL CORRUPTION on a Banana Republic scale):

When Police Department Whistle-Blowers get carted off incommunicado by NYPD POLICE COMMISSIONERS with the Mayor's knowledge and tacit consent to PSYCHIATRIC DETENTION FACILITIES we have arrived at IRON CURTAIN-style GULAG levels of systemic institutional rot.

Keep on doing Jo Ann and as you noted on the air this morning, despite the cause for cynicism and sinking into the slough of despond, we don't have the luxury of NOT BEING DRIVEN about bringing true and useful reform!

Most appreciatively for all that you & the 'BOO do
(CC Creative Commons) Mitchito Ritter
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