Venture back out to the dusty, dusty Playa with Diablo for a recap and interviews with some of the artists from this year's Burn!
Facebook Event
2016 Honorarium Installations
2016 Black Rock City Art Installations
We began the tour in the BMIR Air room because the Christina was running late
Our first guests were the creators of "Usra Major", Mr and Mrs Ferguson
- Reaching to grab what is within her grasp is Ursa Major, a 14 foot tall, grizzly bear sow. She may simply be reaching for berries but perceivably she is reaching higher: to the northern sky and the constellation that is her name, Ursa Major. In navigation, the constellation is useful in pointing the way to the North Star.
Ursa Major’s pose is inspiring, she brings the gaze and hopes of the participant skyward. She also demonstrates respect for the bears and nature, her pose is not like a taxidermy bear. She is in her natural state and unthreatening.
With a durable, unique material that was used on their previous Burning Man project (Penny the Goose), Ursa Major’s fur will be made of US and Canadian pennies. The pattern and feel will be like fur.
Then a Preview of Russian Art Project for 2017 "Birding Man" (Dazzle!)
Larry Harvey on Charlie Rose
Information on "Le Attrata" by Therm
Katie Hazard Central Arts Team interview and info on "Pulse Portal" by Davis McCarty
A portal acts as a gateway to a distant and magical world. Pulse Portal is a freestanding laser cut parabolic archway made from steel and tessellated dichroic acrylic pyramids. Juxtaposing futuristic materials that reflect the viewer and the rugged landscape will provide a sense of awe and inspiration as they step onto the playa. The combination of these materials and geometric design will create an effect that simultaneously feels space age and classic effectively placing the viewer in a time portal.
(Space Whale?)
"Inside the Mind of Da Vinci" - by Phoenix Rising and Wrecking House (G-Spot with Michelle Riley)
The back of the head is cut out into two archways allowing entrance into the hollowed out interior of the piece. The interior has etched into the surface, Leonardo’s sketches and writings. Geometric shapes that illuminate colors of blue, red and yellow create a unique and pleasant atmosphere with beautiful colored shadows cast by the sun inside the head.
The inside of the head is a resting area where there are cement balls to sit on that can be pushed and rolled leaving written words in the sand. It is a community spot for gathering and sharing artistic and inventive ideas. The piece consists of concrete, bronze, recycled glass and metal.
*Greed (Avaricia) by Marco Minaya, Visiones del Sueño, from Peru --Self-Funded-- (Dazzle!)
Throughout history the ruling classes have attracted and utilized the creative genius of the brightest minds to build and preserve wealth and power. In reciprocation the inspired have sought out the wealth and resources of the rich and powerful to realize their dreams. Resulting in some of the most inspirational and destructive forces that the has seen from the time of the Renaissance to present day.
*Renaiximent - (Renaissance) by: pink intruder (miguel arraiz + david moreno) from: Valencia, Spain (Dazzle!)
A combination of geometry and sculpture with techniques used in the Fallas festival from Valencia, Spain.
A reinterpretation of grotesque decorations from Valencia Silk Market, UNESCO Heritage building from XV century.
Grotesque decorations at this building were used by civic society to laugh at and face against established power and rules.
Molds and pieces hang in the inside of the installation and create a space for participants to interact.
A golden cube in the desert to attract people inside, where they become part of an art installation that mixes the contemporary language of the latticed architecture of the pavilion with the cardboard pieces and molds of a traditional Fallas guild.
The cube lays over a wooden mosaic of thousands of pieces assembled by social collectives. The debate between traditional and contemporary is held over the floor that has been built by the collective. Neither the tradition nor the experimen
URL: http://www.pinkintruder.com/?p=476 Contact: info@pinkintruder.com
Plug 4 Play Collective (Promo) -(Diablo)
Plug ‘n Play is a large orange wooden electrical plug protruding upwards. Surrounding the Plug are five Quad Boxes with interior exhibits; each visually represents one of the five elements of hip-hop.
We plug in; we explore & examine the almighty vinyl record, the mic, & the crowd. In our DJ Dojo, feel with your hands what it’s like to drop the needle on the record & physically engage with actual vinyl. Passersby can tune in on turntablism demonstrations, scratching lessons, & roundtable sessions on the Elements. We’ll also have lectures, films, sonic history trips, & other interactive moments. “If music be the food of love, play on. Give me excess of it.”
Info. on Sinner Stage --Self-Funded-- (Diablo)
Matt Walker
*Out Late ---Walk-in--- (Diablo)
Matt from Berkley
Oz and team from Eastern Washington
Piazza di Ferro
The Ascension Pendulum
Bloom (Actually Grove)
Roshanai (Illuminate) Charles Gadeken
Piazza di Ferro
The Ascension Pendulum
Grove brings together artists from India with neurotechnologists and architects from America, making it a truly global collaboration. Grove is a meditation on the interdependence of breath. Every time we breathe in, we inhale the ‘out breath’ of a tree around us, placing ourselves in a constant state of union between the macro-forest outside, and the micro-forest of alveoli within our lungs.
Grove uses technology related to the quantified self, to break down the idea of self entirely and to remind us that we are all interconnected, through breath, to every living creature on this planet; from the leaves on trees to the sand of the desert.
*Electric Renaissance, Keith (Dazzle!)
Electric Renaissance (A Tribute to Cadillac Ranch)
Hot Dog Hats -Fluffers
15 for 15
*Axis Mundi --Self-Funded-- (G-Spot)
Axis Mundi
*Trasparenza by: Andrea Greenlees --Self-Funded-- (Diablo)
*Oid by Michael Christian (Diablo with Kevin Biall who built the Trees for the center of the Temple last year)
*La Victrola --Self-Funded-- (Diablo)
La Victrola
Medusa Madness
Medusa Madness
Medusa Madness
Dare to stare and be mesmerized
“Parasolvent” is an interactive kinetic sculpture. A 23 foot tall rotating ring of parasols that open as they ascend and close as they fall.
Parasols are protective devices created to shield us from the elements. Here they represent the emotionally protective devices we believe are protecting us, but are in fact hindering our progression. This is a meditative piece about letting them go. The parasols exit a human figure, blossom (open) as they rise, and decay (close) as they fall. Parasolvent was inspired by the artist’s first Burning Man in 2013 and chosen as an Honorarium piece for 2014.
*Wish Upon A StarWay with DD --Self-Funded-- (Diablo)
Wish Upon A StarWay
Burntanical Garden
Fire Art Pieces – Each art piece is a unique creation from a different artist. The fire-art pieces utilize standing flame to create a calm, sociable atmosphere; a place to keep warm, and to make friends. Individual art pieces are arranged within the garden, with seating, to create a space to appreciate each piece. Pyrocents ensure participant safety and answer questions about each art piece.
Fence – The 20’x30′ garden is bordered by a steel panel fence. Fence panels are constructed of rectangular welded square steel tube frames. Individual artists will ‘fill-in’ the blank canvas with cut sheet steel designs, which are welded in place.
The Man /Guild Workshops (Diablo)
*Vibraj with Dania --Self-Funded-- (G-Spot)
*Octacius with Peter Hazel (G-Spot)
*Endless Prospect of Life and Wonder a Biodiversity Sphere" with Shane Shane --Self-Funded-- (Dazzle!)
Biodiversity Sphere "Endless Prospect of Life"
StairRamp to Heaven
ADT-Art Discovery Tours
-Catacomb of Veils (Participant Joay)
-The Black Rock Lighthouse Service (Participant ?)
-The Temple
Catacomb of Veils
A path winds up to the Narthex at the eastern Pyramid and from this vantage point, the inward descent begins. Ancient relics of a collective history grace the walls as shafts of light illuminate effigies and offerings. These are moments in our primeval memory, inviting us further downward and inward into ourselves. The journey culminates in an inner sanctum– a sanctuary of veils– a confluence of concealment, revelation and sublime beauty.
The Black Rock Lighthouse Service
Temple Project
There will be 8 altars placed around the courtyard, which is walled off to create a protected, quiet, respectful space. The interactivity will be the usual function of the Burning Man temple: it will be a place for the community to come and express their emotions, reflect on the losses of friends and family members, and celebrate the lives of people around them. The temple will be built with the consideration of the community, with adequate space to accommodate the needs of people in the temple and the surrounding courtyard for reflection, safety and privacy.
Rest In Peace:
David Bowie
Prince Rogers Nelson