Karen James speaks with Shannon Wight, Deputy Director of Partnership for Safety & Justice, about PSJ’s legislative agenda for 2018. This year will be a short legislative session and PSJ hopes to reinforce the reform work that was accomplished in 2017 and prior years. This includes the passage of HB 3078 that realigns addiction-driven property crime laws, expanded short-term transitional leave, updated the Family Sentencing Alternative, and invested in the Oregon Domestic and Sexual Violence Fund. PSJ will hold a Lobby Day on March 1st at the Capitol in Salem where we can meet and discuss these issues with our legislators.
Sign up to join PSJ Lobby Day: https://safetyandjustice.org/lobbyday2018/
PSJ https://safetyandjustice.org/
HB 3078 https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2017R1/Measures/Overview/HB3078
Lawsuit cni.pmgnews.com/documents/artdocs/00003593626236.pdf