KBOO News In Depth: Suzy Vitello


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Air date: 
Mon, 03/05/2018 - 5:45pm to 6:00pm
Suzy Vitello
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The Moment Before by Suzy Vitello

Suzy Vitello is the coordinator, and one of the founders, of a long-running writing workshop that has its roots in Tom Spanbauer’s Dangerous Writing seminar. Suzy’s workshop colleagues include a who’s who of authors, including Chuck Palahniuk, Cheryl Strayed, Chelsea Cain, Lidia Yuknavitch, and Monica Drake.

If you have a manuscript in progress, there’s a unique opportunity to plug into all that talent, experience, and knowledge through Suzy. She’ll be teaching a 3-day writing workshop starting this Friday, March 9th. It’s called Diving Deep into Scene: find the hidden treasure in your narrative and it’s offered through Portland’s Corporeal Writing program.

Suzy visited the KBOO studios to tell us more about Corporeal Writing, her upcoming workshop, and her own work as an author.

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