Today, on the Radio Activist, hosts Lisa Loving and Suzanne LaGrande will interview Deputy Director Shannon Wight and Amy Davidson, Crime Survivor Program Director from the Partnership for Safety and Justice. In the second half of the hour, we'll be speaking with S. Renee Mitchell about a new campaign against the school to prison pipeline by Youth Organized Unted To Help.
Over the past six years,the Partnership for Safety and Justice has prevented two Oregon prisons from opening, significantly expanded community-based program funding for crime-prevention programs, invested millions of dollars for crime survivor services in all 36 counties, and is projected to reduce our incarceration rate by 15% over the next decade.
The Parnership for Safety and Justice is the first policy advocacy organization in the country to develop a model for criminal justice reform that engages survivors of crime, people convicted of crime, and the communities of both.
Among other things they will talk about the organization's legislative agenda for 2019, the services they offer to domestic and sexual assault survivors, their work to reform the juvenile justice system and their efforts to reduice Oregon's reliance on prison by encouraging countires to support alternatives to incarceration and crime prevent programs