Measuring-up: why corporate "persons" pay more on PR than on taxes...

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Air date: 
Tue, 01/26/2010 - 12:00am

Oregon voters decide the Fate of the State today - and it looks like it's going to be close.  'Close'?  What this is about is services - schools, police, fire departments, emergency rooms, libraries, parks...All the things we take for granted, all the things Americans feel entitled to, all the things that government  (When it isn't beholden to and crippled by the private sector.)  does well.  Wealthy or poor, reasonable people understand the 'economies of scale' concept... the idea is that if you have a big project to pay for, it is more cost effective to spread that expense over a large number of people.  That is what (functional)  government does.  Despite strident yowls to the contrary, the private sector has a dismal track record when it comes to big projects that benefit big numbers of people.  It is, of course, outstanding at underwriting big projects that benefit a few people but masquerade as Good Samaritans (The private sector has a vast closet full of costumery it resorts to when the cleaners can't get those nasty blood stains out of its Armani tie).  so taxes.

When (functional) government gets its hands on  (taxes) money it keeps the country running reasonably well.  When it has no (taxes) money, the whole shitaree falls apart.  And the private sector (Played by Rush Limbaugh and co-starring weapons-grade pharmaceuticals) crows, 'See?  Told ya guv'mint was no good.'

So, Measures 66 and 67.  Oregon's corporate income tax ranks 17th highest in the nation.  And let's not forget that risible $10 minimum.  Or the sweet deals dished out to any company that whispers the magic word, 'Green' in the Govenor's ear.  And then there's The  Wealthy.  In some cases they got that way because they live here;  in scenarios they got wealthy in a shithole somewhere else and then moved here.  All of which means that Oregon is a great place to be a corporate, a wealthy person or a wealthy corporate person.  All of which means the aforementioned three categories should pay their fair share or fuck off to where they came from.

None of this explains why the poor vote against taxes that take nothing from them and provide services upon which they often depend, services which we all enjoy.   Here's why:  Because they believe that some day they  will be very, very rich (And celebrities too!), and when that day comes, they'll be gawdammed if they're goin to pay no sumbitch taxes. So  a vote against taxing the rich is  like a hedge fund for the indigent.

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