On this edition of Free Culture Radio: Decolonizing Drug Policies.
The New School recently held a fascinating web conference entitled "Decolonizing Drug Policy: Perspectives From the Americas and Asia." As they noted in the program: "Like healthcare, housing, and criminal justice, drug policy too bears the marks of racism and colonialism. The brunt of punitive and prohibitive drug policies has long been borne by indigenous people and people of color across the world. How are these policies being challenged globally? Can decriminalization and legalization undo the harms of racist and imperialist drug wars? What does a truly decolonized global drug policy look like?"
On today's show we hear from a couple of the panelists:
• Rev. Dr. Charles Boyer, Founding Director, Salvation and Social Justice. Dr. Boyer is a leading faith voice in New Jersey for the campaign to abolish the drug war and to end the criminalization of Black people.
• Isabel Pereira, Drug Policy Research Coordinator, DeJusticia. Ms. Pereira is the research coordinator of the Drug Policy area of the Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society (Dejusticia), focusing on the impacts of drug policy on human rights. She is a member of the Research Consortium for Drugs and the Law (CEDD), and the regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean for the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC).