Program Proposals




Thank you for your interest in producing a program at KBOO!

Please fill out the form below along with a 15-minute audio sample of your proposed program!

KBOO Program Proposal


*If you are not equipped to prepare a sample of your proposed program at this time, please sign up for our trainings first, starting with Volunteer Orientation. Register here.

*If your program is a Music show, you will also need to provide a sample playlist of at least 15 songs. Your sample should include 1-2 examples of your back announcing. We want to hear your on-air personality.

*Likewise, if your program is a Public Affairs show (Talk Show), please don't include music breaks in your sample audio. With the limited time, we would like to hear your on-air personality and how you approach the topics of interest.


Although openings may be scarce at times, we are always accepting applications for all subjects and genres.

Proposals will be reviewed by Program Staff and the Program Advisory Committee. Approved Proposals will be kept on file by the Program Director.

Approved programs will undergo a probationary period for their first 6 shows. Within the probationary period, the program can be removed from the air if it does not meet expectations outlined in their proposal or in the on-air handbook.

If capacity allows, the program will be evaluated within the first 6 months by the Program Staff and/or the Program Advisory Committee.

Having access to the airwaves is a privilege and requires that everyone lend a hand to keep the station running!

Before you apply for a show at KBOO, Please consider the On-Going Responsibilities of a KBOO Programmer:

1.) Keep your contact information up to date.

  • We ask that all volunteers keep their Galaxy profile up to date. Please contact if you need any Galaxy support.
  • Be sure to inform your staff point person directly if your email or phone number changes.

2.) Communicate with program staff as needed.

  • Your point of contact will either be or the, depending on your program's format and time slot.
  • This means that you return emails as needed and keep them informed if you are unable to fulfill your obligations.
    • i.e. If you are sick and unable to produce your upcoming show, inform your point of contact as soon as possible, so they can find a substitution.
    • i.e If you are part of a collective, and a host leaves the show or wishes to join, notify your point of contact so they can keep their records up to date.

3.) Read the All Volunteer & Programmer Email updates.

  • Typically, once or twice a month, you will receive notices from KBOO staff that often contain important information for programmers.

4.) Attend Required Meetings

  • KBOO program hosts used to meet with staff bi-annually in pre-pandemic times. We would share the state of the station, drive themes, pitching points, and other updates. However, required meetings have not happened too often in the past few years.

5.) Attend the FCC Basics: Legal Issues in Radio Training Annually

  • We ask that all Programmers take this course, once a calendar year, to stay refreshed on FCC guidelines.

6.) Create an Episode Page for each upcoming show

  • If you are a talk show host, preparing an episode page is essential to maintaining an up to date archive.
  • If you are a DJ, you are also required to fill out a Spinitron Playlist
  • (We provide guidance on this in our trainings)

7.) Volunteer 24 Hours a Year outside your Program

  • KBOO needs help in all areas of the organization to keep the station running.

8.) Maintain an up-to-date Show Promo

  • Each show has a short on-air announcement, informing listeners about their program and the day/airtime. You'll only have to update this promo occasionally. (i.e If a host joins/leaves the show, program moves timeslot, changing show format)

Feeling intimidated by the commitment? No worries! We have plenty of opportunities for commitment-free programming. AudioPilot and Radiozine are KBOO's Music and Public Affairs timeslots dedicated to giving all on-air trained volunteers a chance on the airwaves. Email if you are interested in creating an Audiopilot, or for a Radiozine!

You can also produce special pieces for Special Programming Days! To be informed of programming opportunities, ask the Volunteer Coordinator ( to sign you up for the Volunteer Newsletter!

Please note that if you have not been onboarded as a KBOO volunteer, then you will be expected to attend a Virtual Orientation and FCC Legal Training to participate as an On-Air Volunteer.


Ready to submit your Program Proposal? Here is the Application!

