KBOO's Board of Directors Information Sessions!



Published date: 
Tuesday, July 12, 2022 - 6:32pm


Have you been thinking about furthering your involvement with KBOO? Elections for 2022-2023 are coming up in September and the Board of Directors is recruiting for new members.

The Nominating Committee will hold virtual informational meetings in June. BIPOC persons are especially encouraged to join.

Do you have previous board experience?

Have you demonstrated expert fundraising skills?

Do you have experience with nonprofit budgets?

Do you have proficient knowledge in radio engineering?

Can you lead strategic planning?

Do you have an understanding of union relationships?

Do you have a legal background?

Do you have other skills you want to share with KBOO?


If you answered yes to any of these questions and you are interested in finding out more, virtual informational sessions will be held:

    7/11/2022, Monday, 6:00pm
    7/20/2022, Wednesday, 7:00pm
    7/26/2022. Tuesday, 5:30pm


RSVP to Jill Blanchard, jillboard@kboo.org or 503-381-7591 to receive the virtual meeting link.

Thank you for considering board work for KBOO!

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