Join Ender Black on another night of temperate, sonic collations. An amalgamation of causation and an aeration of dilation.
Feeling the depth and incomprehensible size of cosmic presence, and the purity and incontrovertible perfection of animal beingness.
While at the same time, embracing the magnanimous condition of creatorship that comes with being human.
A condition filled with expansive responsibility for everything that exists. What greater responsibility could ever be.
The galaxy listens closely, as we break the veil of illusion and limitations, and jump into the mystery of discovery.
Oh Earth! I never thought there could be so many emotions and strange contraptions before I landed on my body.
My brothers and sisters told me it was a game. One of the most challenging missions of planetary recovery.
Like always, from Home everything looks better than what it really is. That's why we must come, mingle and meet.
Oh Earth! I gave all my memories away just to participate, just to give you my life.
In the animals, I see the expansive, exquisite nature of sentience and consciousness.
For them, I am.
Us Earthican Humans, possess the same innate capacity for total, immaculate conscious expression.
Look at the spirit of children! That's who we really are.
Dang empires of darkness who maintain these games of ultimate challenge: they've done a great job.
But only We hold the Law.
The precepts for galactic governance are held in our hearts, and only in our hearts.
May all beings of the Earth experience the ultimate, supra cosmic reintegration that we all dream.