THE LETTER I: Interview with African Youth and Community Organization



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Air date: 
Wed, 05/25/2011 - 12:00am
THE LETTER I: Interview with Jamal Dar of AYCO

Zoe interviewed Jamal Dar of The African Youth and Community Organization (AYCO). AYCO was formed in early 2010 to address the lack of services and programs for African immigrant and refugee families. Schools are inadequately equipped to deal with African refugee youth; parents lack the necessary language skills for effective communication with the schools and other community organizations; and existing organizations too often under-serve or cut loose families, leaving them ill-prepared for interactions with the larger community.

Young African immigrants and refugees are particularly vulnerable. After years in refugee camps many are not able to keep up academically, and many youth drop out or face expulsion from their schools. AYCO’s primary goal is to encourage immigrant and refugee youth towards higher education, positive activities, and active engagement in their community. 

AYCO will be hosting a celebration at Jackson Middle School 10625 SW 35th Portland. OR 97219 on Friday May 27th from 6pm to 8pm. This is a catered event and the food will be provided by Al Jebal. We would love to have you help us get additional dollars into the program to help put on the event as to raise money for our youth program.
For more information call AYCO at 503-475-8802


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