Death of Ben Linder: 25th Annivesary



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Wed, 04/04/2012 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
25th Anniversary of the death of Ben Linder

April 28th will be the 25th anniversary of the Death of Ben Linder. Ben was a Portland engineer working to bring electricity to rural areas of Nicaragua when he was murdered by US Backed contra forces. He was the first American killed by the contras, and his death ignited a storm of protest throughout the country. Tonight on Circle a Radio we listen to audio recorded in 1987 and 1989 celebrating the life of Ben Linder, and analyzing U.S. Central American policies in place at the time.

Audio recorded in 1987 is from The Conference in the Spirit of Ben Linder.took place, organized by 24 local groups, including the still functioning Portland Central America Solidarity Committee.

Audio recorded in 1989 was from the Remembering Ben event,

Ben Linder Commemoration: UO Cultural Forum

April 27, 2012      
4:30 pm    to    6:30 pm     

A Voice for Ben 4:30 pm
Margaret Randall
Gerlinger Lounge
Reception 6:00 pm
Ben Linder Room, EMU
Live music by Los Cumbiamberos
Jugglers & Clowns
Highly acclaimed poet, writer and activist Margaret Randall, will present “A Voice for Ben,” to celebrate the life and mission of Ben Linder, while addressing critical issues that we face today. Ben Linder was a mechanical engineer from Portland, Oregon who went to Nicaragua in 1983 to work on hydroelectric projects that today provide energy to schools, clinics, campesinos and the community. On April 28, 1987, while beginning construction on a small dam, Ben and two other Nicaraguan coworkers were murdered by U.S.-supported Contras.
Sponsored by: Romance Languages, Oregon Humanities Center, Ofἀce of the President, Latin American Studies, CLLAS, CSWS & LASC


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