Political Perspectives on 04/21/09


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Air date: 
Tue, 04/21/2009 - 9:30am to 10:00am

Host Per Fagereng speaks with environmental writer Chip Ward who says, "'Too big to fail.' It's been the mantra of our economic meltdown. Although meant to emphasize the overwhelming importance of this bank or that corporation, the phrase also unwittingly expresses a shared delusion that may be at the root of our current crises -- both economic and ecological.  In nature, nothing is too big to fail. In fact, big is bound to fail. To understand why that's so means stepping away from a prevailing set of beliefs that holds us in its sway, especially the deep conviction that we operate apart from nature's limits and rules."

Ward analyzes the economic collapse in ecological terms, revealing the hidden weakness that underlies big systems and why bigness itself should be taken as a warning signal. He also considers why we shouldn't "recover" in the usual sense of the term.  See the entire article at http://www.tomdispatch.com/post/175061




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