Locus Focus on 07/25/11



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Air date: 
Mon, 07/25/2011 - 10:15am to 11:00am
SolWest, the major renewable energy event in Eastern Oregon

SOLWEST FAIR - Renewable Energy Action in Eastern Oregon

Portland might consider itself the hub of the sustainable movement but every summer in Grant County, Oregon, a major event takes place to rival anything in our urban center. On this episode of Locus Focus we'll learn about the SolWest Fair that takes place every summer in John Day. It's an occasion for learning, networking and supporting all types of renewable energy. This three-day event offers activities for all ages and knowledge levels, as participants from around the West and beyond come to join the SolWest community and learn about energy efficiency, solar and wind energy, alternatively fueled vehicles and more.

We'll talk about the SolWest Fair with Jennifer Barker from EORenew, the group that sponsors this annual fair.

The Eastern Oregon Renewable Energies Association (EORenew) was founded in 1998, with a mission is to empower people to increase their energy efficiency and use of solar, wind, and other renewables. They make classroom visits with energy presentations to K-12 schools in our region of Oregon and provide energy services to the John Day area, including energy audits and conservation information, site assessment, Oregon energy tax credit assistance, and RE business referrals.

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