Stage & Studio presents a Humankind documentary special by producer David Freudberg with Portland urban naturalist Mike Houck who works to preserve the integrity of green spaces in cities. Houck founded the group Urban Greenspaces Institute in 1999 to preserve the integrity of green spaces in cities because they provide access to nature "where people live" and also play an important ecological role.
Mike Houck has been a leader in urban park and greenspace issues since his founding the Urban NaturalistProgram at the Audubon Society of Portland in 1980. Since that time he has worked on urban parks- trails- greenspaces and natural resources in the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan region. He speaks locally- nationally and internationally on issues related to urban natural resources and sustainable development. Hehelped found the Coalition for a Livable Future in 1994 to better integrate social and environmental issues into the region's growth management planning process.
For more about Humankind and this program visit their site: