AIR: THE RESTLESS SHAPER OF THE WORLD - Another Interview with William Bryant Logan
We are dependent on air to sustain us, but rarely do we reflect on this fluid, boundless and unpredictable element of our planet. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, William Bryant Logan, author of Air: The Restless Shaper of the World returns to Locus Focus to talk about the intricacies and mysteries of the air we breathe and the violence it is capable of wreaking. On this episode of Locus Focus we have time to expand on our abbreviated conversation with Bill Logan, begun during the October pledge drive.
William Bryant Logan, author of Air: The Restless Shaper of the World, is a certified arborist and president of Urban Arborists, Inc., a Brooklyn-based tree company. Logan is an award-winning natural history writer and environmental columnist. He is on faculty at the New York Botanical Garden’s School of Professional Horticulture and is the author of Oak and Dirt, the latter of which was made into an award-winning documentary. The same filmmakers are currently planning a documentary made from Air. He lives in New York City.
Earthworms & more...
Thanks for a fascinating show, Barbara, but I've got to tell you "Worms do fly!" The eggcase of an earthworm resists decomposition in a bird's digestive tract. This is why you may find worms in your roof gutters.
I'd like to hear your show undermine the falacy that humans are not natural. We fit into this living planet. Even when we pull up minerals from deep down and spread them around, just like huge earthworms we create opportunities for new ecosystems to emerge by enhancing the nutrient base.
Of course, at the same time we must accept the possibility that, like all natural species, humans may go extinct because of our own behavior...