Hosted by Laurie Mercier, this show features the music of Phil Ochs. We hear a conversation about Village Building Convergence, the movement to create community spaces in cities; a review of the Erol Morris documentary about the Abu Ghraib photos "Standard Operating Procedure;" a commentary about racism in the primaries; an interview about peace activists in Kalamazoo, Michigan; and a discussion of the life and music of Phil Ochs.
You can hear the whole show by clicking on the arrow on this page. Or hear individual pieces by clicking on their links below:
1. Bill Resnick talks with Kat Steele and Matt Phillips about the Village Building Convergence and the upcoming conference here in Portland.
2. Movie Review by Brooke Jacobson: "Standard Operating Procedure"
3. Thabiti Lewis exposes the racism rampant in the Presidential primaries.
4. Olga Bonfiglio talks with Laurie Mercier about her book Heroes of a Different Stripe: How One Town Responded to the War in Iraq.
5. The life and music of Phil Ochs remembered by Bill Resnick.