Volunteer Update--


Many things are happening, and we'd love to have your participation!

There are exciting things happening at KBOO-- and it's a great time to get more involved!  Here's a quick rundown of the current events at your community radio station.

Our Annual Book & Record Sale happens on Saturday, August 28th, at the Musician's Union Hall.  We need volunteers to help sort donated materials on Wednesday, August 18th & 25th, 11 am - 3 pm, to help prepare for the sale.  We also need volunteers with larger vehicles (small trucks, vans, or hatch backs are great) to take our donations to the storage area, two blocks away.  Please contact me if you are able to help transport!  All volunteers are invited to help sort, no need to pre-register with me, just show up on the next two Wednesdays.  If you are available to volunteer the day of the Book & Record Sale, please let me know. 

We are preparing for a couple of meetings with program hosts to finish up our Programming Excellence Grant.  The second week of September, we will hold two meetings at The Tabor Space, which is located at 5441 SE Belmont.  We want to hear back from all hosts about the broadcast trainings that we've held over the last 18 months (beginning with the Marilyin Pittman trainings), and will review the major points. We are holding two sessions to try to make it possible for everyone to attend.  The meetings will be on Saturday, September 11th, 5 - 7 pm, or Thursday, September 16th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm.  More details to follow soon!

As many of you know, KBOO's staffing is in transition-- since Arthur Davis' departure in the spring, the station has not had a station manager.  Since that time, all of the staff have taken on different aspects of the station manager's job to keep the place running.  The staff and the board have been looking at different management structures to find a way to manage KBOO that fits with the overall culture of our station.  We are seriously considering transitioning to a workers' collective.  We invite anyone with ideas regarding station management, or with experience working with collectives to give us your thoughts and ideas.  You can contact me with any ideas, information or questions you have about this process.

Also, the staff have changed email clients!  This might not seem like a big deal to many, but it's making a huge difference to us.  Due to some serious issues in our previous email system, I have lost all of my contacts and archived messages-- if you sent something to me more than a couple of weeks ago, and never heard back, assume that message has been lost forever--- please resend it!  It would be a great help to me if you could send me an email from your preferred email address, to help me build my contacts.  We have switched to a Google based email, so if you use Google, you can add me to your chat list, for nearly instant communication.

Of course, there is much more going on, too, like preparing for the Fall Membership Drive, that's just seven weeks away.  Do you have an idea for a program special that will help to make this drive sizzle?  Get in touch with Chris Merrick or myself right away--- no time like the present to launch ideas for the drive!

As always, thank you so much for doing all the work you do to make KBOO the amazing community radio station that it is.  Truly, you are the heart and soul of this station!  Please be in touch with me for more information about any of these issues, or for any other question or idea you might have.

With love and solidarity to all,





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Thanks for the update, Ani! I found out about it on Facebook.  I've been lax after taking the first volunteer meeting, but still interested. Sorry to hear about the email snafu and looking forward to the book sale!